Other Meetings

Other Meetings of Interest


6th World Congress of Cutaneous Lymphomas (6WCCL)

tentative and to be confirmed

June 2026

Sponsored by: International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas

On behalf of: United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC) and European Organisation for Research and Treatment for Cancer-Cutaneous Lymphoma Tumour Group (EORTC CLTG)

Montreal, Canada


2027 ISCL Annual Scientific & Business Meeting

Ancillary meeting at the 26th World Congress of Dermatology
Monday, July 21, 2027
Guadalajara, Mexico


7th World Congress of Cutaneous Lymphomas (7WCCL)

tentative and to be confirmed

Month to be determined

Sponsored by: International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas

On behalf of: United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC) and European Organisation for Research and Treatment for Cancer-Cutaneous Lymphoma Tumour Group (EORTC CLTG)

London, England, United Kingdom